Hear from the Team Behind MyCad

On the 11th of May 2023, the team behind the implementation of MyCad will be telling their story during an online event. The event programme can be found below.

Event Programme:

  • 11:00 — Welcome by Dr. Louise McBride, Head of Department of Nursing and Healthcare at Atlantic Technological University
  • 11:10 — Professor Thomas Kearns, Consultant and Co-Director at the WHO Collaborating Centre, presenting ‘Some reflections on the importance and benefits of those involved in the education and professional development on adopting digital solutions.’
  • 11:20 — Mr. Chris Peat, Chair of Axia Digital (Ireland), will discuss ‘How the legitimate and important concerns about adopting a digital approach can be addressed and resolved’
  • 11:35 — Presentation of the digital version of NCAD on the MyCad.ie website,  including a look at the available reports
  • 11:50 — Opportunity to respond to questions raised during presentations, chaired by Dr. Louise McBride
  • 12:00-12:30 — Opportunity to hear from students, CPCs, and Tutors actively using MyCad. This includes watching a presentation video that captures the user experience. There will be an opportunity to question those involved in creating the video (which will be available for sharing with other colleagues after the event).
  • 12:30 — Concluding remarks and opportunity for further questions


What is MyCad

MyCad is the first digital version of the National Competency Assessment Document (NCAD) for nurses. Axia Digital collaborated with HSE and Atlantic Technological University‘s Department of Nursing to develop the site, mirroring the paper NCAD document. Since its launch, all those involved in the assessment of students in hospital and community settings have embraced the new online system.


About the Event

The main purpose of the event is for delegates to hear directly from the team that produced MyCad. They will learn how the team’s initial doubts or concerns were eliminated once they discovered the benefits of an online solution. Delegates will see the site, learn about its scalability for potential adoption by other institutions, and discuss the security measures implemented.

The event will also feature Professor Thomas Kearns, Consultant and Co-Director at the WHO Collaborating Centre. Thomas has advocated for E-portfolios for many years. He was one of the first to recognise the impact that digital solutions could have for the education and professional development of nurses.

Dr. Louise McBride, current President of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and Head of the Department of Nursing and Healthcare at ATU, chairs this event. She saw the potential of a digital approach for the practice assessment of nurses after attending the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland‘s annual conference. At this conference, Bournemouth University presented their OPALBU E-portfolio, a modern and efficient solution used by nurses and their support teams.


Recording of the Event