Introduction to

MyCad is an exact digital copy of the National Competency Assessment Document (NCAD). It includes all the associated rules of who is allowed to do and see what based on their role (i.e. Student, Preceptor / Associate Preceptor / Registered Nurse, CPC and Tutor).

The image below is of the student’s view of the portfolio. Any item selected on the Placement Task list will reveal a page that will be familiar to anyone who has used the paper copy of the NCAD.

MyCad student dashboard screenshot

MyCad Student Dashboard


Students are able to select the course that they are on, ensuring that they get the correct placement documentation. They can then create the ‘page’ at the induction session(s) for their next placement. First they select their placement location, then create a link to their Preceptors / Associate Preceptors / Registered Nurses, allocated CPC, and Tutors. Students can add multiple Preceptors / Associate Preceptors / Registered Nurses. By creating these links they give permission for the specified staff to access their portfolio.


Preceptors / Associate Preceptors, Registered Nurses, CPCs, and Tutors see exactly the same page when they select the students portfolio. However, they have permission to perform tasks that the students cannot, such as signing off the Six Domains of Competence. CPCs and Tutors also have access to reports which enable them to quickly see the progress that their students are making on each placement.

MyCad preceptor dashboard screenshot

MyCad Preceptor Dashboard

In addition to this introduction, the home page of the MyCad website contains written user guides and tutorial videos. While this site was developed for ATU Donegal, subsequent sites will operate in the same way, maintaining consistency.

28 years of experience

Fully flexible systems

1.3m Users worldwide Frequestly Asked Questions

MyCad enhances the student experience, which is something that all learning institutions are focused on delivering. It’s reasonable for students to expect to be provided with the best technology to assist them with their learning journey, and MyCad enables Universities to do this.

Another major benefit of using MyCad is that the students and those supporting them always have access to their portfolio. Any changes are instantly updated, removing the need to wait for paper copies to be transferred before a student’s progress can be reviewed.

In addition to this, the system presents the correct placement document to students based on their course, type of placement, and its duration. This prevents student from using the wrong documentation. There are also a several reports which are available to tutors, Year Leads, and CPCs that allow them to view the progress of students.

Aside from these benefits, switching from a paper-based to a digital system is better for the environment. Digital systems do not produce waste in the way that paper-based systems do. Also, a digital portfolio cannot be lost or destroyed.

MyCad is an exact replica of the paper NCAD document along with all the associated rules about who can see and do what. Therefore, if someone is familiar with the paper document, they can quickly pick up how MyCad works. There are also user guides and videos to assist them too.

For students who initially are not familiar with the NCAD document we recommend that an introduction to the MyCad site takes place during induction. The important task in that session is to get them to log onto the site and start to use it, e.g., by starting the ‘Self Evaluation of Learning Needs and Expectations.’

MyCad is designed not to eliminate the need for face-to-face meetings, but to enhance their effectiveness. Those with permission to do so are able to review a student’s portfolio in advance of any meetings. MyCad removes the need to wait for paper copies to be transferred between individuals, speeding up the process.

MyCad allows students to record their shifts and other activities, and to indicate whether said activity is a Repayment of Time. Those with the appropriate permissions can then sign these attendance records. This method of recording attendance allows for easy review alongside other assessment activities through the student progress report.

While this is a concern for any internet-based project, the Letterkenny team in Donegal has not experienced any issues with a lack of connection. Broadband speeds across Ireland are generally good and reliable. Ireland is reputed to have the 4th best internet speeds in Europe and the 7th best globally.

MyCad is accessible on any device with a browser. The site automatically detects the device type and adjusts the display, ensuring that content is viewable.

Preceptors, Associate Preceptors, and Registered Nurses register their own accounts on the site. This allows them to set their own password, making it easier for them to remember. It also means that registration is instant, removing the need for students to wait for an account to be created before they can be assessed.

One thousand preceptors registered accounts on the system within a year

The site requires an email address for registration in case the Preceptor / Associate Preceptor / Registered Nurse forgets their password. Specifying an email address is also useful for identifying assessors which may have the same name, ensuring that students link to the correct assessor.

We know that there are occasions where a placement is incomplete before the student begins their next one. For this reason we have enabled multiple placements to be open at any one time.

The ONMSD, NMBI and HSE has set Digital Health as one of their key priorities. The introduction of MyCad is in line with those priorities.

While it is possible for students to do this, it’s rarely an issue. Fictitious accounts are easy to detect and are a major disciplinary offence. Every action on the portfolio is recorded and linked to the user’s username and password. This ensures that any fraudulent actions cannot be denied.

We always put in place a GDPR policy confirming that whatever institution we are working with is the ‘data owner’ and Axia Digital (Ireland) is the ‘data processor’.

Axia Digital (Ireland) as the data processor will apply all the rules required by the institution we are working with and the NMBI in relation to who can see and do what depending on their role in the assessment process and the group to which they belong (e.g. General Nursing). Their platform is underpinned by a powerful administrative tool that is used to apply the necessary permissions to the site.

In broad terms it is the student who grants permission to their Link Lecturers and Community Placement Co-Ordinator’s to have access to their portfolio for the purpose of supporting them on the placements that take place throughout an academic year. They also give permission for Preceptors, Associate Preceptors and Registered Nurses to assess them and review their progress on a particular placement. For avoidance of doubt, they are required to give those permissions so that they can progress towards professional registration.

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