Complimentary Enhancements to MyCad

In the past few months, our Company Chair, Chris Peat, traveled to Ireland to meet with the Irish universities that are using MyCad. Chris commented how great it was to be in a room with the team who had pioneered the use of MyCad and who had rightly received national recognition for that achievement. He was able to thank them for their work, hear suggestions for future improvements, and offer complimentary enhancements to their sites at no extra cost.

We had previously outlined these upgrades and, as a company, we aim to ensure that our customers understand the benefits that they will bring and approve them before implementation. The Universities enthusiastically embraced these enhancements and appreciated that implementing them would not require any downtime.


Chris was also able to tell them that we have future-proofed their sites, by assuring them that Preceptors could use the same username and password that they had created at registration to assess students from different universities. For example, a Preceptor at Sligo General Hospital could assess students from both ATU Donegal and ATU St. Angela’s/Sligo. More about this, as well as other recent improvements to MyCad can be found here.