The Development of

Collaboration with ATU Donegal

We began working with Atlantic Technological University (ATU) in 2021 to produce the first digital version of the National Competency Assessment Document (NCAD). As a result, the the My Competency Assessment Dashboard (or MyCAD) website was created for the department of  Nursing at their Donegal campus in Letterkenny. The original site was the product of a collaboration between the assessment team at ATU Donegal and Axia Digital (Ireland), with us providing the technology.

MyCad student dashboard display screenshot

MyCAD student dashboard

Challenges and Security

At the time when this project was executed, there was little confidence in digital systems within the Irish health sector. This was due to the cyber attack on HSE in 2021. This presented a challenge.

As a company, we take the security of the websites which we produce very seriously and are committed to protecting our customers’ data. As a result, every care was taken when developing MyCAD to ensure that the system was secure.

Success of The Project

Since its launch, MyCAD has been a huge success. This success was recognised in April 2023 in the form of an Irish Education Award. The system was named Best Industry / Business-Academic Collaboration and was described by the panel as “An excellent example of collaboration between academia and industry, taking innovative approach to a practical problem facing many students in placements, whether it be clinical or other.”

Representatives of The Department of Nursing ATU Donegal, HSE, and Axia Digital attended the award show in Dublin to receive the award.


Other Similar Work

W have a track record of providing systems which enable the skills and competencies of health professionals to be assessed. An example of this is our work developing sites for the practice assessment of students attending health based undergraduate programmes.

All Dentists and Pharmacists use the portfolio we developed to demonstrate that they have met the practice standards required for registration. We also provide the site for the Centre of Advancing Practice. Additionally, in Ireland we have a long-standing partnership with the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery RCSI, providing the online application process for Fellowship and Membership of the faculty.